Security Evaluation

Business processes and security are the two most critical areas of any business configuration. Yet, security is often overlooked during testing. As it defines what a given person can see in your tenant and which business processes they can initiate, approve, and reject, it’s a critical element of functionality that needs to be tested to give a level of assurance. Arrant assures you of your security evaluation through:

What we do

  • 1Running high-volume, consistent and reusable tests that match your unique Workday configuration with just a click
  • 2Troubleshooting test failures at a glance with screenshots that show you exactly which screen failed and the Workday error message it triggered
  • 3Sequenced BP testing
  • 4Meticulous security testing to safeguard personal data and the integrity of process controls
  • 5Continuously verifying that costs are being routed to the right ledgers to spare your financial team the agony of backtracking and correcting mistakes
  • 6Retrieving every test ever run with details on who ran it, when and the end result